Are you ready for the next innovation in training?

Change Your Body, Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

The team at Evolution Yoga is constantly innovating the way we deliver programming and training.  In our latest analysis of the yoga industry and training trends, we observed high prices, long commitment times and in-flexibility that made them difficult for the wider student base to be a part of. Our response to these trends was to break down teacher training into its three primary components and make each one accessible to what you, as a student, are looking to do with your personal practice.

Want to become a teacher? Take all three for your 200 hours of training to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)!
Want to deepen your practice and learn more about your body? Take Evolve and just spend the time honing your practice.
Want to build a stronger meditation? Join us for our four week program and dive into meditation and self inquiry!

Whatever you are looking for, we are striving to provide in a way that is both accessible and affordable to all of our students.

Evolve is an 8 session, 16 week program designed to help you deepen your practice. Join us as we break down all 8 families of movement, spending an entire day just honing in on the anatomy and functionality of that specific movement type.

Enhance is a 4 week, 20 hour training every Saturday afternoon that takes a deep dive into meditation and self inquiry. At the end of this training, you will be able to effectively lead meditations that help inspire and drive others.

Engage is the final part of our training series, and is the teacher training portion. With 100 hours already completed in Evolve and Enhance, this training will take you deep into the Journey Into Power sequenced where you will learn the tools needed to be a powerful force of change inside your community.

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Classes, Workshops and Training

Whether you are looking to join us on the mat, take a workshop or deep dive into EvolutionU, we have something for everyone!